Carole Self Learning for Life Partnership [163] 26 January 2021
Wheelock LAB   Minutes   30/06/2020
virtual video conferencing  Tuesday, June 30, 2020  5pmChair: David Booth   Clerk: Carole Self   
FINAL: The minutes are confirmed and locked.
Governors Attending: >David Booth, Angie Robinson, Helen Sweeney, Hazel Harris, Matt Pearson, Kim French 
Governors Apologies: >Samantha Davies
Non Governors Attending: >Carole Self
Non Governors Apologies: >
Agenda Item 1  Welcome and apologies for absence
MINUTE The Chair welcomed all to the meeting.  Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Samantha Davies.  The Chair confirmed that Matt Pearson advised that he would be late for the meeting.
DECISION  Members received and accepted the apologies for absence from Samantha Davies
Agenda Item 2  Declarations of Personal/Pecuniary Interests
MINUTE  None reported
Agenda Item 3  Declarations of any other business
Agenda Item 4  Part 1 minutes of the last meeting
MINUTE  The minutes of the meeting dated 19th May 2020 were reviewed and confirmed as an accurate and true record.
DECISION  The Minutes of the meeting dated 19th May 2020 were approved as a true and accurate record
Agenda Item 5  Matters arising
MINUTE  The following matters arising were reviewed:
  • Members to update declarations of interest on Trust Governor and CS to undertake face to face training on this at the next appropriate meeting.  In view of the inability to undertake training on Trust Governor, CS agreed to request declarations from Members in order that she could update the system centrally.  CS advised that AR, MP and DB were outstanding
  • Members to undertake PREVENT training.  DB outstanding and to complete ahead of next meeting
  • Discuss the Trust's vision and aim at the next Chairs Forum - item postponed during the Covid 19 crisis, however DB agreed to request a remote Chairs Forum take place
  • Chase up certificates for safeguarding training.  HS confirmed that she had chased but that this was still outstanding
Agenda Item 6  Headteacher's Report
MINUTE The Headteacher provided the following verbal report:

Staff Health and Wellbeing - all staff were reported to be well and healthy.  One staff member was reported to be shielding however it was hopeful that this individual could return in September given the latest guidance change from 4th August 2020.  No staff were reported to be isolating although 3 members of support staff had requested unpaid leave for personal reasons during this period and this had been supported.

Pupil attendance - 104 pupils were reported to be in attendance from Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 along with children of key workers and vulnerable children.  The Headteacher confirmed that these numbers continued to increase as Parents returned to work and confidence grows.

Safeguarding - No issues were reported with regular contact and review still taking place.

Transition - the Headteacher confirmed that the Boys High School had undertaken Zoom talks with pupils however contact with the Girls school was awaited although this was hopeful before September.  With regards to new starters, KF confimred that she had called all new Parents and pupils had now been assigned to classes.  Video clips were reported to have been uploaded to "Tapestry" which had been well received.  New Parents were responding by adding photos as well.  Class Teachers were reported to be phoning Parents to introduce themselves and Training Assistants were also recording videos with a view to preparing children for school.  The Headteacher confirmed that the aim was to achieve the new starter plan.  The Headteacher advised that 48 children were on the list for September with 2 appeals to be undertaken in the following week.  Q.  Do you have a full complement of staff? The Headteacher confirmed that the school was fully staffed however one child would need 1-2-1 support for an EHCP plan of 32.5hours, which would be provided from the existing complement with a view to appointing a support member face to face in September.  Q. Is this child coming into reception?  The Headteacher confirmed that they were.  Members were advised that there had been an administration error in the numbers however as these pupils had been accepted and no alternative arrangements had been made, this was acceptable.

Agenda Item 7  Re-opening of the school
MINUTE The Headteacher confirmed that the latest updated risk assessment had been circulated this week and uploaded to Trust Governor.  The amendments in the main were reported to be in relation to the use of toilets and the additional cleaning required given the increase in pupil numbers.  

Members were reminded that Years 3 and 4 children would return in the next week with Years 2 and 5 the week after.  The Headteacher confirmed that it would be good for children to have some time in school and for the school itself to be able to review the risk assessment for the longer term.

Members were advised that for the school to be fully open in September, the guidance with regards to "bubbles" would have to be changed to allow for up to 35 pupils in each, however again this would still limit interactions between different "bubbles" as now.  The Headteacher was not sure of the implications for opening of the Afterschool club as this would essentially involve different pupils from different "bubbles" mixing so further guidance on this would be required ahead of any offer being made.

Members agreed that it was somewhat unfair that Parents were not restricting who their children play with outside of school as this undermined the efforts that staff were making and it would be particularly unfair if one of these children tests positive for the virus and transmits this to others in the school.  The Headteacher agreed that there was a level of complacency given the low rates in the area.  Q.  Will you use the school hall for dinners?  The Headteacher confirmed that there would be no change to lunch arrangements for the rest of this term however there may be something in the latest guidance around hot dinners being provided per "bubble".  Members agreed that it would be helpful if the guidance was released early.  

Members discussed regional variances with the guidance and sought to understand whether all schools in the Trust were being consistent.  The Headteacher advised that some schools were operating differently as it was dependent upon demand for places and staffing levels.  

Members were pleased that Teachers had received some lovely comments from Parents with one staff member receiving flowers.  Q.  Will Ofsted, in time, review the school's approach to contact?  The Headteacher said she was not sure as some schools were offering Teams lessons and some Parents at the school would have liked it.  She accepted that there was always more that the school could do.

Members agreed it would be good to have a debrief and share good ideas.  The Headteacher said she would defintely purchase books earlier again as this was significantly easier than e-mailing learning packs.  Q. Is there a plan for an inset day for September across the Trust, if so, this could be used to look at whole school/trust learning? The Headteacher confirmed that the inset day was set for the first day back after the October half term break.  Members suggested that it might be an idea to consult Parents on "what went well and what could we have gone better"  The Headteacher agreed this could be included in the next Parent Survey.   KF confirmed that on the whole the comments have been really positive, however it only takes one negative comment to upset Teachers' confidence.  Members agreed that the questions needed to be framed in a positive manner as they acknowledged that the school had done an outstanding job and therefore it would be good to capture this in the Autumn term.

MP joined the meeting at 5.35pm

MP confirmed that he had read everything that had been shared and acknowledged that each school situation was unique.  He noted that the take up rate of between 60-70% was high.  The Headteacher confirmed that a further 55 pupils were expected the next week and the same again the following week.  Q. How have you found the space and moving around? The Headteacher confirmed that this had been manageable as all the classrooms had an external door so the children only had to leave the classroom to use the toilet.  Q. Do the children have their packed lunch in their classroom? The Headteacher confirmed that they did. Q. Are children of keyworkers staying in their own "bubbles"? The Headteacher confirmed that they were to avoid contamination issues and as there were so many of them, it would limit the offer to other children.  She went on to say that these children had formed friendships in their "bubbles".  Q. Are drop offs and pick ups staggered? The Headteacher confirmed that they are which had worked really well.

Members' attention was drawn to the Bullying and Behaviour Policies uploaded to Trust Governor and Members approved these.

ACTION  Include some positive questions on the home learning and contact as part of the Parent Survey in the Autumn Term.
DECISION  Members approved the Bullying and Behaviour policies
Agenda Item 8  LAB membership
MINUTE Members discussed the end of tenure for the Chair and agreed to recommend that he revert to co-opted membership for a further term.  DB accepted this.  Members agreed that Parent elections would then take place in September and October when the school was open again.

The clerk agreed to request approval of the Co-opted status of DB from Trustees and the Headteacher agreed to update the GIAS system once this had been undertaken.
ACTION  The clerk to request approval for DB to stand for a further term as a co-opted member. The Headteacher agreed to update GIAS once this had been agreed.
DECISION  Members recommended that DB stand for a further term as a co-opted Member.
Agenda Item 9  Communications to/from MAT
MINUTE The Chair agreed to draft a short Chairs report outlining the review of the risk assessment and the request for Chairs Forums to recommence remotely.
Agenda Item 10  Any other business
MINUTE The Headteacher advised that she had received a complaint addressed to the Chair which she had been asked to pass to the Executive Head to investigate.  Members agreed that if the complaint was addressed to the Chair, then he should receive a copy and be allowed to follow this up as per the policy.  DB agreed to follow this up with the Executive Head.

Members approved Part 2 minutes from 19th May 2020 given that there were no other confidential items.
ACTION  Follow up the complaint letter addressed to the Chair with the Executive Head.
DECISION  Confidential minutes from 19th May 2020 were confirmed as a true and accurate record.
Agenda Item 11  Date of next meeting
MINUTE Members reviewed the dates for the new academic year and asked if some of these could be changed to a Thursday going forward.
ACTION  Clerk to review meeting dates and advise accordingly.
   Governor Agreed Actions set during this meeting:  3
Follow up the recommendation that DB stand for a further term as a co-opted Member with Trustees
Carole Self
Headteacher to update GIAS once DB Member status approved
Helen  Sweeney
Follow up complaint letter addressed to Chair with Executive Head
David Booth
Wheelock LAB Summer 2 Part 1   dated:  30/06/2020
 Minutes approved by Carole Self