Rachel Cornes Learning for Life Partnership [163] 07 September 2021
Wheelock LAB   Minutes   15/06/2021
Zoom   Tuesday, June 15, 2021  5.00pmChair: David Booth   Clerk: Jill Barton   
DRAFT: The minutes are currently unconfirmed.
Governors Attending: >Angie Robinson D.L, David Booth, Julia Gawn, Kim French, Matthew Pearson  
Governors Apologies: >Sam Davies
Non Governors Attending: >Jill Barton,
Non Governors Apologies: >
Agenda Item 1  Welcome and Apologies for Absence
MINUTE  The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Sam Davies and accepted. The chair informed the LAB members that Sam had resigned from the LAB due to personal reasons. The Lab members accepted the resignation.

DECISION  The Lab members accepted the resignation of Sam Davies.
Agenda Item 2  Declaration of Personal/Pecuniary Interests
Agenda Item 3  Declaration of Any Other Business

 The following AOB was raised and discussed:


·        AR had been approached by some parents expressing concerns that due to Covid restrictions they were feeling distanced from certain activities at school which their children were involved in e.g., sports days. Q. AR asked whether it was possible to consider live streaming events for parents to view? A. The Headteacher explained that the school did not have the technology to live steam events however there were plans to take pictures and the Yr6 children to video some events they are involved in. There was an understanding that parents may feel disengaged however the school was working within the parameters of what is allowed due to the current restrictions. The Chair suggested that a communication via the newsletter would be helpful explaining what was being planned.

  • The memorial garden for Mrs Katie Radcliffe.
            AR asked for an update on what was happening since the fund raising for a memorial garden. The Headteacher explained that due to the possibility of an              LA extension project for the school the area in the school grounds which had been earmarked for the garden might have to be changed if the building                  work was to take place. It was important that the garden should not be disrupted by any building work.  Due to the large amount of money which had                  been raised in memory of Mrs Radcliffe there is a procurement process taking place. The landscape gardener had been commissioned and plans were                    being discussed at a meeting next week, however it was likely to be late autumn when work could commence on the memorial garden. There had been a              decision to purchase 16 laptops with Katie’s name on as a short-term legacy. Q. Are we going to let parents know what is happening? A. The                              Headteacher explained that she wanted to wait until it was known what was happening with the potential building work. A bench had also been ordered              and once the landscape garden meeting has taken place an update will be put in the newsletter. 
Agenda Item 4  Part One Minutes of the Last Meeting
MINUTE  Members reviewed and approved the minutes of the 6th May 2021 LAB meeting as a true and accurate record
DECISION  Members approved the minutes of the 6th May 2021 LAB meeting as a true and accurate record
Agenda Item 5  Matters Arising
MINUTE  There we no matters arising.  
Agenda Item 6  Principals Report
MINUTE  The Principal had provided a report prior to the meeting and encouraged members to ask any questions relating to her report.

  • Pupil Outcomes – the next data drop is due on 25th June so a meeting will be arranged with MP and AR to discuss the data. Curriculum leaders are now in place and are working with co-ordinators on adaptations. The three-heading used are Intention, Implementation and Impact. An example report from IAbacus was provided for LAB members. New resources had been purchased to support the delivery of Computing curriculum (Purple Mash) which will also provide a lot of activities to use in other lessons. 16 laptops had been ordered to support this. Matthew Jones is joining school from Leighton in the autumn to further support Maths. School had applied to join Maths Hub from September and full training will be given to staff.   
  • Pupil and Staff Wellbeing - Shevaughn Newton is the new senior lead on Mental Health and had attended Cheshire East training. Learnings on the new pathways from the course is to be shared with staff over two meetings.  School is still waiting for the results from the pupil survey.
  • Staffing - the vacancy for a team leader (member of SLT with a TLR) will be open to all internal staff with interviews taking place next week. The 2 TA posts will only be advertised internally as many of the current TA staff are on temporary contracts or have contracts due to end.  School had just received the budget agreement to advertise internally for an Assistant Principal. This is a full teaching role and any member of the SLT will be able to apply.
  • Attendance - Parents of persistent absentees had been contacted. The school is appealing against 4 applications for next year entry into Reception 2021. This is at a cost to the school however the current Reception is oversubscribed at 48 not 45. The appeal is necessary as increased numbers have consequences for Yr1/2 as the cohort would then be over the school PAN.   
  • Cheshire East possible expansion plans – the Headteacher wished to make the LAB aware that the LA have approached school to look at a feasibility study to build 3 extra classrooms to move from 45 places to 60.  There is a shortage of Reception places in the Sandbach area so other schools have also been approached. The LA would be looking to develop the whole site, but space is an issue so it will be looked at very closely. There was a site visit on 26th May. There is no news from the LA on a decision as yet.    
  • Community Liaison – the LAB was unsure what was required but were hoping for more guidance from the Trust.
  • Transition – Yr6 children are not allowed to visit the High Schools. The Headteacher commented that the guidelines are constantly changing for the other age groups. There were plans to use Tapestry for parents of new Reception children showing video clips of the school.

ACTION  Principal to report to the Chair on an update of transition plans.
Principal to put transition plans on the SLT agenda for next week.
Agenda Item 7  LAB membership, visits and training
MINUTE  To include any updates on: 
  • Vacancies – Following the resignation of Sam Davies there is a staff vacancy. The Principal will start the process to go to staff for expressions of interest. There are two parent vacancies and it was decided to wait until September when the new Principal was in place. Waiting until September would also give opportunity to canvass any new parents.
  • Appointments - Julie Alexander-Orrel will be joining the LAB in September. The  Principal will set up a school email for Julie.
  • Visits undertaken – it was decided that a Safeguarding, SEN and Pupil Premium visits were due before the end of the summer term. These visits could be planned to take place on the same day. It was acknowledged that these visits were a priority and a requirement by Ofsted. Q. Is there a template for a SEN visit and is the same template used as before for Safeguarding. A. The Principal said to use the same template for Safeguarding so as to keep consistency and that she could supply a SEN template.
  • Skills audit – this will be reviewed in September
  • Community liaison – ~Sally the new Principal from September has some ideas on integrating school with the community. Dan from the Trust is working on civic partnerships. Further information will be made available at the 14th July Governance meeting. 
ACTION  Principal to send SEN template to AR.
Principal to set up a school email for Julia Alexander-Orrel
Agenda Item 8  School Development Plan 2020-21
MINUTE  The Principal commented that the same targets are being worked on.

Curriculum Review, Phonics and Writing.

School had bought an extra Read to write package at a cost of £3,000. A new Phonics scheme is being considered for next year. There is a staff meeting tomorrow on “No Outsiders” which should help with the low-level incidents of racist taunts.
Agenda Item 9  Review of Previous Year & Priorities for 2021-22
  • The Chair commented that the previous year had been very challenging due to the pandemic.
  • There were many priorities for the LAB to focus on next year. Ofsted, New Assistant Principal, Subject leaders settling in using the new curriculum will require a thorough review.
It was agreed that it was necessary to have a full understanding of the latest data so it was decided to have an extraordinary LAB meeting before the end of term on Tuesday 29th June at 4.30pm. 
ACTION  LAB members to meet on the 29th June to review latest the data information.
Agenda Item 10  Policies for approval
MINUTE  Not all members had had opportunity to review the policies. The Principal suggested that the policies were put onto Basecamp. Then Members could review and raise any questions they may have.  The members agreed that this was a good idea.
Policies to review:
Inclusion Policy
E Safety Policy
ICT Acceptable Use  Policy 

ACTION  The Principal to place Policies on Basecamp for members to review.
DECISION  Policies to be placed onto Basecamp for review.
Agenda Item 11  Ofsted
MINUTE  An Ofsted visit was not expected this term. The Principal commeted that they will do  "deep dives" into 5 subjects therefore it had been important to get the curriculum leaders in place. 
Agenda Item 12  Communications to/from MAT
  • The Chair will place his report on Basecamp
  • There was no new information from the Trust. 

ACTION  The Chair to place his report on Basecamp
Agenda Item 13  Remote Meetings 2021-22
MINUTE  It was agreed that the LAB would need to be flexible next year depending on the pandemic but the consensus was that face to face meetings at school was  preferable.  
DECISION  To resume with face to face meetings from September 2021
Agenda Item 14  Date of next meeting
MINUTE  Next meeting at school on 16th September 2021 at 5pm. 
   Governor Agreed Actions set during this meeting:  0
Wheelock LAB Summer 2 - Part 1    dated:  15/06/2021
 Minutes approved by Jill Barton