Rachel Cornes Learning for Life Partnership [163] 07 September 2021
Wheelock LAB   Minutes   06/05/2021
Virtual Video Conferencing   Thursday, May 6, 2021  5.00pmChair: David Booth   Clerk: Jill Barton   
FINAL: The minutes are confirmed and locked.
Governors Attending: >David Booth, Julia Gawn, Angie Robinson D.L, Kim French, Matthew Pearson,  
Governors Apologies: >Sam Davies
Non Governors Attending: >Jill Barton,
Non Governors Apologies: >Nova Harvey,
Agenda Item 1  Welcome and Apologies for Absence
MINUTE  The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting . Apologies for absence were received from Sam Davies
Agenda Item 2  Declaration of Personal/Pecuniary Interests
Agenda Item 3  Declaration of Any Other Business
Agenda Item 4  Part One Minutes of the Last Meeting
MINUTE Members reviewed and approved the minutes of the 14th January 2021 LAB meeting as a true and accurate record. There were no minutes to approve from 18th March Spring 2, as the meeting was cancelled.  
DECISION  Members approved the minutes of the 14th January 2021 as a true and accurate record.
Agenda Item 5  Matters Arising
MINUTE  Safer Recruitment Training is outstanding for DB.
ACTION  DB to complete Safer Recruitment training as soon as possible
Agenda Item 6  Headteacher Report
MINUTE The Headteacher encouraged members to raise any questions relating to the documents which had been provided prior to the meeting and provided the following verbal update to members. 

Risk Assessment - the Headteacher confirmed that the normal template had not changed and the Covid information was based on information from last summer. AR had completed a Risk Assessment visit and all areas were compliant. 
There is a 90% uptake for staff taking the twice weekly lateral flow tests with the majority of staff testing on Sunday and Wednesday evening. This timing gives more notice to organise staff cover, close a bubble and inform parents quicker. If a member of staff reports a positive result they inform the Headteacher by text who then contacts track and trace. Parents report a positive result via email which is picked up by the Headteacher. 1 child has tested positive this term.
The Hive has 3 seperate groups, Reception/Key Stage 1, Yr3/4, Yr 5/6 and is working well. Government guidance is that each group has up to 15 children. School continues to review the risk assessment and reports to the DfE daily and LA weekly. Parents have enquired whether flexible bookings are available but this is not possible due to Covid. Q. Would it be beneficial to put something in the newsletter that flexible bookings are not available?  The Headteacher agreed that it was timely to update parents. Q. What is the impact on the budget due to the HIVE having restricted numbers? The Headteacher confirmed the restricted numbers were having an impact on the budget and this was being checked.  

Health and Safety - Following the risk assessment for Woodland there has been some work completed on fencing and boundaries which will be covered in Part 2 and some changes to minimise children getting into difficulties climbing trees. Q. Woodland has been in place for a long time so why is it now a H&S issue?  The Headteacher explained that risk assessment was ongoing, the trees had grown and there was a risk that children may climb too high into the trees making it difficult to help them down if they get stuck without causing danger to the staff trying to assist. There are visual prompts now in place on the trees showing how high the children are allowed to climb. A new first aid kit has been purchased for school.
The Headteacher drew Members attention to the good scores on the full H&S Audit dated 23rd March 2021. 

Safeguarding - the Headteacher thanked AR for her Safeguarding audit and asked if members had any questions. It was agreed another report should be done in june after half term. Safeguarding has been a priority for the Headteacher since she arrived and she is looking at the culture of Safeguarding and  communication between staff on which children were vulnerable and the importance of sharing information between staff. CPOMS is being used and is very helpful.  Q. What is the uptake on staff completing EduCare? The Headteacher confimed that staff will be having face to face training rather than a remote course run by SCiES. Q. Would Members be able to join the training?  The Headteacher confirmed this would be possible.
the Headteacher confirmed school was compliant for Safeguarding. Kim was booked onto Level 2 and the Headteacher booked onto Designated Lead Safeguarding through the LA. All staff have completed basic Safeguarding training and succession planning is in place. DBS checks are being updated using a time table which is being followed by the office staff, this is particularly important for checking visiting teachers.  
SCiES have completed a Safeguarding Audit on 20th April 2021 and checked all policies. A full report is due and there will be a follow up visit in June to check if policies are being followed.  
Q. Was there anything from the SCiES Audit to report back to the Trust?  The Headteacher reported that there was a significant improvement in staff using CPOMS following the CPOMS workshop. The categories on CPOM are very clear for staff to record incidents, with 90% of staff a now using the system. All actions are now being noted by staff routinely. 

Pupil Outcomes and Experiences - the Headteacher provided several reports for the meeting and advised Members that current data does not indicate the school is Outstanding in line with its last Ofsted report some 11 years ago. Q. What would the current data grade the school as? The Headteacher  - In 2019 the IDSR programme indicated that 20% school of Outstanding schools were in quintile 1. Currently school could be in quintile 5 which is the bottom 20% of schools.  School does not have validated data in place so the key objective us to get benchmarked data. Compared to the other schools in the Trust Wheelock is in align, however Members should be aware that due to the demographics of the catchment area Wheelock attainment should be higher as other schools in the Trust have more deprivation. Q. What are our problems as a school?  The Headteacher - will arrange a meeting with MP to share the headlines then report back to the LAB. The Headteacher informed Members that currently school was not Outstanding at the moment however there are lots of positives and key areas to work on have been identified.
Current data on Reading -  Yr1/2 is pulling down school data. Yr3 is above target. Covid Catch Up funding is being used for Yr1/2. Q. Is a specific scheme being used? The Headteacher  - in house support is taking place working on Phonics with a focus group of 9 children. Current achievement is 67% with a target of 86%. Q. How are the 9 children on the programme being tracked? The Headteacher stated that the children had a screening test. Training has been arranged for staff on how to assess and track children across the school. Phonics and reading is being worked on. Due to covid restrictions there are currently no reading mentors allowed into school so whole class guided reading is taking place.
Current data on Maths  - Yr 1/2 data is down since the Autumn Term. It has been a challenge to deliver Power Maths across the year groups. School is now delivering Power Maths to individual age groups for Yr5 and Yr6 which should help progress. Power Maths is working well for Reception. Some of the decline in Maths might be due to parents not being as confident in supporting their chidlren during lock down in spite of school trying to assist parents. On line videos were provided for Reception parents. 
Current data on Writing  - across the Trust all schools are off target. The Trust target is 85% Wheelock is currently achieving 56%. To support writing the Lead functions have now been split between 3 staff, Jess - phonics, Sarah - reading and Shavaughn - writing. They will focus on their individual subject areas and work together closely as a team.  
Equality -  SEN and Non SEN data is poor and there is now a focus to ensure everything is being recorded. 
Pupil Premium Children  - writing needs improvement with boys performing lower than girls. These trends are being looked at and the Inset day after half term will focus on how to engage boys with reading.  Q. What does school use to assess writing? The Headteacher confirmed that teacher assessment was used using the Trust criteria.  Q. Has school looked into "no more marking"? The Headteacher informed the Members that the Trust is looking into it. Q. Which cohort is giving the most concern? The Headteacher confirmed it was Yr1 and 2 as the last IDSR data showed that children's attainment dips when coming into Yr1 from reception. The NFER reading data for Yr3 children across the Trust looks very low.
One member of the teachihg staff  is using the  "no outsiders" tollerance programme which fits in with the school values.  

Pupil and Staff Wellbeing - the staff survey results looked quite healthy. Across the Trust there was a 57% response. Following the pupil survey there is a new senior lead taking on a strategic role for mental health for chidlren and adults. Training is being provifded by Vision. Q. Could the senior lead come to the LAB to give an update. The Headteacher agreed this was a good idea.  

Attendance - this is a concern as school attendance is lower than the national level. Parents of 18 Pupil Premium children have been contacted by the Headteacher over persistent absenteeism to try and improve their attendance.  
The LA  have requested a meeting with all Sandbach schools to discuss the lack of places for Reception children in the area. 

The Members thanked the Headteacher for her report and all her work and that of the staff.  

ACTION  JG to attach the Risk Assessment report by AR for members to view on Trust Gov.
AR to arrange another Safeguarding audit in June.
JG to arrange a data meeting with MP and then report finding back to the LAB.
Agenda Item 7  LAB membership, visits and training
MINUTE Appointments and Vacancies - The Chair confirmed that KF had been appointed to the LAB.
The Chair and Headteacher informed the other Members that there had been an enquiry from a retired Headteacher ,recently moved to Winterley for the position of a Community LAB . This individual holds the MPQ Excellent Headteacher award and would be an assett to the LAB membership. 
There are two parent Member vacancies and it was decided to review the skills audit to identify where there were LAB skill gaps before anyone was appointed. 
There was discussion that there needed to be a review of LEAD roles as currentley only Safeguarding and Data was covered. 

Training required or undertaken - DB needs to do Safer Recruitment. There is Safeguarding and Exclusion Training taking place on 20th May 2021 and it was advised for Members to complete if they were available. Details to be found on Base Camp. 
Community Liason -  the members were unclear what this meant from the Trust as no specific information had been received. The chair will table this at the next Chairs meeting. 

ACTION  Clerk to forward the skills audit data compiled by Carole Self to the Chair and Headteacher.
Clerk to forward a list of LEAD roles to the Headteacher.
Members to complete Safeguarding and Exclusion Training on May 20th 2021.
DB to raise Community Liaison at the next chair's meeting
DECISION  Members agreed to support the recommendation to appoint the Community Member.
Agenda Item 8  School Development Plan 2020-21 for Review
MINUTE The Headteacher commented that the SDP priorities have now changed. They previously were: Response to Covid, Phonics, reviewing the corriculum to look at Equality and Diversity. 

The prioroties now are :
1/ Writing
2/ Phonics
3/ Reviewing Equality and Diversity in the corriculum. 

Staff meetings are planned so that the new prioroties can move foward quickly. Data information is being reviewed to reflect the three priority areas. Q.When are the summer assessments taking place?  The Headteacher confirmed the Data Drop was due on the 25th June 2021. It was agreed that JG and MP would meet after this date to discuss the data.   
ACTION  JG and MP to meet after June 25th to discuss school data.
DECISION  The Members supported the revised SDP.
Agenda Item 9  Update on Strategic Priorities
MINUTE  The Chair confirmed that the update on strategic prioroties can been covered under item 8. 
Agenda Item 10  Policies for approval
MINUTE  The Headteacher is to check which Policies require approval and will report back at the next LAB meeting. 
ACTION  JG to check Policies for Approval. Confirm to Clerk if agenda item is required for the next LAB meeting to discuss.
Agenda Item 11  Ofsted
MINUTE The Headteacher informed the Members that school was embarking on a journey to prepare for the next Ofsted visit as currently school is not Outstanding . Q. When might an Ofsted inspection take place? The Headteacher  commented that it could be imminent as the last inspection was 11 years ago and having a new Headteacher may bring the schedule forward. Q. What category might the school currently be in? The Headteacher replied that the current data would put the school into the Requires Improvement category or possibly Good. Its important that everyone understands what needs to be done to raise standards. Since Covid SLT are keenly aware of the work required on priorities. All staff are aware that the children are behind academically since lock down. Q. What do the Members need to do to be prepared for an Ofsted visit? The Headteacher commented that everyone needs to understand the data and what is now being put in place. Q. would there be benefit in DB, AR and MP meeting to discuss as LAB Members, what is required of them during an Ofsted Visit? It was agreed that DB and JG will contact the Trust to get clarity on what would be required and if there was any Trust training available.  
ACTION  DB and JG contact the Trust to see what support / training is available to help Members prepare for an Ofsted visit.
Agenda Item 12  Communications to/from MAT
MINUTE The Members agreed that the notes from the Trustees meeting had been well received. 
The Chair commented that he had not had opportunity to write his report and it would follow the meeting.  
ACTION  DB to complete his report and share with the Members.
Agenda Item 13  Remote Meetings 2021-22
MINUTE The Members agreed remote meetings had worked well, however it would be good to be able to meet as a LAB in school as soon as possible. The Headteacher commented that the roadmap for schools had not been anounced so it was agreed that the 15th June meeting should still be remote.   

Part 1 meeting clodsed at 7-05pm. 
DECISION  the 15th June LAB meeting to be remote.
Agenda Item 14  Date of next meeting
MINUTE  June 15th at 5pm. Remote via Zoom 
   Governor Agreed Actions set during this meeting:  0
Wheelock LAB Summer 1 Part 1    dated:  06/05/2021
 Minutes approved by Jill Barton